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Credit Management eBooks
We advocate for vendors to receive payment for every legitimate invoice. Drawing from our extensive experience in B2B collections, we’ve gained valuable insights into common pitfalls that hinder receivables collection. Leveraging this knowledge, we’ve developed a series of eBooks tailored for business owners, CFOs, credit managers, and accounts receivable professionals. These resources define crucial terms, offer sample contracts and forms, and provide essential tips to mitigate future challenges and minimize bad debt. In the event of an unpaid invoice, we encourage you to reach out to us, allowing us to work towards maximizing the recovery of your lost revenue.
Click on any of the eBooks below to visit the download page!

The Credit Application Handbook
- Covers important terms to include in your application
- Includes 40-item checklist to evaluate your current ap
- 20+ Word versions of sample applications

The Business Credit Report Survey
- Sample Reports From 7 Different Report Providers
- Comparison Pricing Matrix
- Subscription prices from 3 cents per report

Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis
- Introduces and explains each financial statement
- Demonstrates use of 30+ ratios
- Explains trend analysis interpretation